Singing Guide: Kim Weston

Singing Guide: Kim Weston

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Kim Weston is an American soul and R&B singer known for her powerful voice and emotive delivery. To learn singing like Kim Weston, one should focus on developing strength and control in the lower register and mastering the use of vocal runs.

One song that showcases her unique vocal style is "Take Me in Your Arms (Rock Me a Little While)". In this song, Weston demonstrates her impressive ability to navigate through a range of vocal runs and deliver powerful, emotive vocals.

To achieve the level of control and expression displayed by Weston, it is important to practice regularly and incorporate exercises that focus on developing vocal agility. Singing Carrots' audio exercises such as Twang Exercise, Growling Exercise, Beggars Bounce, Diaphragm Bounce, and Finger Bite are especially useful for this purpose.

In addition, developing good breathing habits is essential for any singer, and Singing Carrots offers a range of helpful articles on this topic such as Breathing Basics and Breath Support.

To make the most of singing practice, consider utilizing Pitch Training, an educational singing game that provides interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises for range and agility.

Finally, to get a sense of Weston's vocal range and style, explore Singing Carrots' vocal range test and vocal ranges of famous singers sections.

By incorporating these practical tips, exercises, and Singing Carrots resources, one can significantly improve their singing ability and strive towards mastering Kim Weston's unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.